题目:Extension principle for the spherically symmetric Einstein Yang--Mills equations
报告人:王金花 副教授(厦门大学)
时间:2025/01/10 周五上午10:00-11:00 腾讯会议:548-473-228
摘要:We establish an extension principle for the spherically symmetric Einstein Yang--Mills system (SSEYM) with $H^1$ data. Based on this result, we further prove an extension theorem for developments of weighted $H^1$ data. In particular, the weighted $H^1$ space allows H\"{o}lder continuous data. Therefore, our result is consistent with the conjecture that the well-posedness including the axis holds for H\"{o}lder continuous data (with sufficiently many angular derivatives) in vacuum.
Different from a massless scalar field, the purely magnetic Yang--Mills field in spherical symmetry satisfies a wave type equation with a singular potential. The proof of Christodoulou which were based on an $L^\infty-L^\infty$ estimate fails for the Yang--Mills case. Instead, we employ the $L^2$ method, which works for the (massless or massive) scalar matter field as well. This is joint work with Junbin Li.
王金花,厦门大学副教授。2013年浙江大学博士毕业,2013-2016德国马普所-爱因斯坦研究所洪堡博士后。研究方向为数学广义相对论,双曲偏微分方程,几何分析。研究兴趣包括爱因斯坦方程(耦合Klein—Gordon,Yang—Mills等物质场),非线性波方程,Lorentz极大子流形(膜方程)的长时间动力学行为, 衰减速度,奇性行为。 主要工作集中于非线性波方程大初值整体解问题,宇宙模型的整体非线性稳定性。相关工作发表于J. Eur. Math. Soc.,Class. Quantum Grav.,Calc. Var. PDE,Ann. Henri Poincaré等杂志。